Revanesse Versa is a dermal filler that can be highly effective at treating moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, including laugh lines and volume loss. The treatment is minimally-invasive and provides immediate results. This filler can last up to 12 months. Kelli Van Housen has injected over 2,000 syringes and calls it her utility filler. It also has a great track record of success with over 3 million syringes of Versa sold worldwide since 2012.
The particles in Revanesse Versa are spherical and uniform. This allows the filler to be more easily accepted by the body, which reduces swelling and provides added longevity to the results.
Treatments by Kelli Van Housen, BSN, RN
AFTER: (2 week post Versa)
Treatments by Kelli Van Housen, BSN, RN
Revance’s RHA (Resilient Hyaluronic Acid) dermal fillers are the only fillers that are FDA-approved to treat dynamic facial wrinkles and folds (those that move with your natural facial expressions). RHA fillers are designed to move with the face by stretching and rebounding with dynamic facial movement creating the most natural smooth look.
RHA fillers require less processing than traditional fillers which makes it more like the natural hyaluronic acid (HA) that is produced in our bodies. For this reason, people tend to be less reactive to RHA, because the body perceives it as less foreign.
While traditional HA fillers last between 6-12 months, RHA fillers work for up to 15 months so you can go much longer between treatments.
Treatments by Kelli Van Housen, BSN, RN
AFTER: (2 week post RHA Collection)
Treatments by Kelli Van Housen, BSN, RN
All it takes is ten minutes getting some tiny injections of Botox Cosmetic in the right places. Within days your facial lines and wrinkles essentially disappear. The areas most frequently treated include the space above the nose and between the eyebrows, the outer corners of the eyes (crows feet) and the forehead.
The results typically last for about three to four months, sometimes longer.
More than a million people have been treated with Botox Cosmetic since it’s FDA approval in 2002 and its been around for 30 years, so you can feel comfortable that it is trusted.
Rewards Program with BOTOX Cosmetic by Allergan. Sign up to start earing points and saving money:
Treatments by Kelli Van Housen, BSN, RN
Dysport is the first direct competitor to Botox. They both have the same primary active ingredient, but a different protein typically allows Dysport to diffuse further and spread. Additionally, the effects of Dysport tend to appear in about two days compared to a week with Botox. Like Botox, Dysport lasts about four months.
Rewards Program ASPIRE Galderma Rewards is designed to support and reward you at every step of your aesthetic journey:
If you want to lose that double chin, Kybella could be the answer. Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella destroys fat cells which results in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. That means further treatments should not be necessary once you’ve reached your aesthetic goal.
Results after 3 treatments
1320 Las Tablas Rd
Templeton, CA 93465
Office: (805) 434-5563
Fax: (805) 434-5916
Monday 8am – 5pm
Tuesday 9am – 6pm
Wed-Th 8am – 5pm
Friday 8am – 3pm
Sat-Sun Closed