Your Central Coast Skin Care Experts

At Dr. Bradley Kurgis Dermatology our goal is to provide you with the best possible care for your skin and hair so you can

look and feel your very best!


Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Bradley Kurgis has proudly served the Central Coast for 30 years. He is trained in medical and cosmetic dermatology and a recognized authority in hair restoration. Dr. Kurgis and his excellent staff offer the most advanced dermatology services and hair restoration techniques available. They have helped tens of thousands of men and women to obtain the healthiest and best looking skin and hair possible.


Cosmetic Dermatology

Our cosmetic treatments range from topical prescriptions to injectable medications to laser procedures. We offer the latest technology and treatments to rejuvenate your skin and reverse the signs of aging. You’re going to love how great you look!

Popular Procedures

Medical Dermatology

We believe that healthy skin is beautiful skin. Dr Bradley Kurgis is highly trained in diagnosing and treating any skin conditions you may have so you can get back to enjoying your life with the most healthy and beautiful skin possible.


Hair Restoration

Natural looking hair restoration requires experience, artistry, and a high-level of patient care. Dr. Bradley Kurgis and his staff have performed over 9000 hair restoration procedures across the nation and internationally. He is an acknowledged authority in developing and teaching hair replacement techniques that accentuate an attractive and natural appearance.


Skin & Hair Care Blog

By KelliVRN 10 Mar, 2022
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that typically affects the face, however, can affect face, neck, chest and other areas of the body. Just about 16 million people are diagnosed annually, and that’s just the folks that go into the physician’s office for help. So I’m guessing it’s more like 18-20 million. The most common symptoms are blushing, persistent flushing, visible blood vessels in your face, typically in the t-zone of the face (nose, cheeks, chin). Symptoms can often progress into small pimples that resemble acne also known as “papulopustular rosacea”. Moderate symptoms can be a burning sensation to the affected areas then some people can have “rhinophymatous” changes like enlargement of the nose and an orange peel look to the skin. Rosacea of the eyes ,“ocular rosacea”, can cause dry, irritated, sometimes swollen eyelids. Sounds complicated! Right…. There are triggers for your rosacea that can cause flare ups: Red wine, alcoholic beverages, emotions, hot drinks, spicy foods, temperature extremes, certain drugs, exercise, some cosmetic and skin care products. These triggers are very individual and can differ from person to person. The cause is still being disputed but what we do know is that it can be hereditary, it’s not contagious or caused by poor hygiene. Research is leaning on multiple causes; possibly an overactive immune system, environmental, chronic inflammation which leads to the breakdown of the skin barrier, just to name a few as root causes. Breaking that cycle of inflammation, seems to be a key factor in improving rosacea symptoms.  This chronic Inflammation (inflammation over time ) is looking more like a key factor in the rosacea continuum. Decreasing inflammation can be crucial in reducing the overall symptoms related to rosacea. The repeated episodes of facial blushing, flushing, papules, pustules (acne rosacea) can lead, over time, to the skin barrier breakdown thus resulting in a breakdown of the skin’s microbiome. Here are some things to consider to reduce some of this inflammation.
By KelliVRN 10 Aug, 2021
Summer is here and the weather is hot! I would like to say, the best protection from the sun’s radiation over time is a wide brimmed hat, sun protective clothing, staying in the shade, and of course your sunscreen. Recently there has been some controversy over some sunscreens containing benzene. Benzene is a known human carcinogen for at least a hundred years. A recent article in “Dermatology Times”, highlights a recent batch testing done by a pharmacy (Valisure), that found up to 78 different sunscreens and after sun care products contained benzene. This is startling to say the least. Attached (see below) is what Valisure has posted, Attachment A, table 5, product description of various batches of sunscreen for which benzene was not detected through initial tests, of at least one sample from each batch. You can check on your own with the UPC (Universal Product Code), lot number and expiration date. I believe some sunscreens have already been recalled. Best to check yours at home or any recently purchased sunscreens, and check table 5. Things to consider when purchasing a new sunscreen; When you apply sunscreen and then go into the sun, your pores will dilate from the heat allowing the sunscreen chemicals to be absorbed into your skin and into your bloodstream. Certain chemicals can cause issues later on in life. In addition, consider staying away from sprays and aerosol type sunscreens. The reason behind that is, you can breathe in those chemical/mineral particles getting into your lungs. I do not recommend any sunscreens that are in a spray or aerosol form.  I will list a few sunscreens that are over the counter that I like and are on table 5, from Valisure (see attachment below).
By KelliVRN 03 Jun, 2021
Good morning all, I haven’t posted anything in over a year, I sooooo apologize. Today I’m bringing up the issue of trust. Lately I’ve been hearing of the resurgence of “Botox” parties. Usually these are at an off site location of someone’s home or place of business ( not a medical office). Alcohol and appetizers are usually served. The person injecting comes from out of town to make money on a small group of folks. I have a real issue with this for several reasons. One, I don’t think its a good idea to mix alcohol with decision making regarding your face or anything for that matter. Second, injecting Botox is considered a medical procedure and there can be complications. Let’s face it , it’s not like you are having a Tupperware Party. Injecting Botox or other injectables is a medical procedure and should be done in a medical setting by a medical professional. Another thing you should be asking yourself is, “Do you trust this person”? Can you get a hold of them if something does go awry? What if I faint? These are just examples of unforeseen medical complications, the list goes on. Rest assured if you are in a medical office any of these circumstances can be addressed, promptly. I have spent hours fixing other people’s botch jobs and sometimes it’s not an easy fix. Let’s look at the cost benefit analysis: Say your husband doesn’t want to pay a professional to trim his trees/yard. So he does the work himself and injures his back. Ends up in the hospital eventually needing surgery. What could have cost maybe $1,500 now is costing $50,000. Sometimes it’s better to put your trust in a professional who performs that service regularly and is good at it. Why put yourself at risk? Finding an injector you trust, that has the knowledge base to address your particular needs and works in a clean setting is imperative for consistently good outcomes. At our office we have a medical professional on call after hours and on the weekends for urgent situations related to procedures. I have been at the same office for the last 17 years, everyone knows where to find me. I inject everyday.  The next time you search for the cheapest botox or dermal filler, just remember this is your face! YOU CAN’T PUT A PRICE ON TRUST AND EXPERIENCE.
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Products & Services

Dermal Fillers

Botox & Dysport


Laser Treatments

Permanent Hair Reduction


Skin Rejuvenation

Leg Veins

Aesthetic Treatments





Medical Grade Microneedling

Medical Dermatology

Skin Cancer Removal

Mohs Surgery

Acne Treatments



Other common skin conditions

Hair Restoration

Medical Grade Skincare Products



(805) 434-5563



Monday 8 am – 5 pm
Tuesday 9 am – 6 pm
Wed-Th 8 am – 5 pm
Friday   8 am – 1 pm
Sat-Sun Closed

Most insurance plans are accepted for medical dermatology appointments

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